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Tour 13 : Mystery of the Finnish HE-115
This is a little mystery that we stumbled upon when we tried to do some research on a version of the PK 401 kit of the Heinkel HE-115. Remarkably, political correctness had led some versions of the PK-401 kit to get censored up to the Finnish swastika's. Well those were Finnish markings, not those of Nazi Germany, right? Anyway, this did cover up for the Finnish swastikas being depicted in black instead of their true blue color. The only HE-115 in Finnish service that we could track was a Norwegian one that was flown by a defector to Finland in June 1940, it then flew with the Finnish Air Force's LeLv.14 and was coded HE-115. But the aircraft depicted at the back is supposed to have served in LeLv 46. Finnish A.F. July 1942. But was there ever a squadron LeLv 46? In hindsight, with the Internet and all that, research is so much easier today than it must have been in the seventies. We did find some talk of two Luftwaffe He 115 C's being borrowed by the Finnish air force that operated with German markings by Finnish crew, but that was for operations in 1943-44. More confusion! And hold on, the German markings would have show the "balkenkreuz", a straigh-armed cross, instead of a swastika in the general markings. Compare to the German versions of the HE-115 shown above the Finnish one.

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    Tour 13 : Mystery of the Finnish HE-115

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